Friday Feb 07, 2025
22726 Pine Trail ● Lakeville MN, 55044   ||   PH: (952) 985-0865 ● FX: (952) 985-0850


Applied Air Systems, Inc. is your complete source for custom engineered platform independent compressed air solutions.


Customized Compressed Air Solutions

We design and build customized high efficiency compressed air systems tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • By examining your plants air demand we can eliminate waste and inefficiencies in your system
  • Combined with a high efficiency compressed air supply - your plants entire air system is optimized to reduce your cost of operation to a minimum.
  • The result is a flexible compressed air system designed to efficiently meet your changing requirements from sustained to peak air demand.

Compressed air system audits

Compressed air system audits allow us to measure, identify, report, and correct avoidable loses present in your compressed air system. Our air system audit reports include a cost analysis showing how quickly your energy savings will offset the cost of system improvements.

  • Establish your current compressed air demand
  • Identify your current energy costs
  • Identify problems, waste, and avoidable losses
  • Recommend solutions to optimize your compressed air system
  • Establish your compressed air demand should be
  • Identify what your energy costs should be
  • Implement our recommended solutions to reduce your cost of operations


Compressed Air Energy Cost

Control your energy costs!

  • Custom Compressed Air Systems
  • Compressed Air System Energy Audits
  • Compressed Air Demand Valves
  • Energy Storage
  • Energy Metering
  • Air Flow Metering
  • Air Pressure Metering
  • Compressed Air Dryers
  • Receivers
  • Closed Loop Cooling Systems